World Class Team Curated For Your Child’s Future
What the lab brings to the table is a group of highly trained professionals, leading in their own fields. Our multi-disciplinary team is comprised of Individuals with many years of experience in education and technology. We are confident in providing your child an unforgettable learning journey with us.
Dr. Oka is a Senior Lecturer for Singapore University of Technology and Design.
His research areas include Computer Science Education.
After three and a half year in IHPC, he realized that his passion in teaching has not yet been realised, and so he moved on to School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Polytechnic, in 2011. After completing his two-year contract, he then decided to join SUTD. While teaching in Singapore Polytechnic, he was also an adjunct lecturer at Digipen Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).
Besides his passion in teaching and research, he loves to read books, listens to music, outdoor activities, and spending time with his family.
Dr. Scarlett is a Psychotherapist/Counsellor, Coaching Psychologist & Supervisor and Psychometrist for The Psynamo Group., specialising in psychological and therapeutic support.
Dr. Scarlett works therapeutically with children from five years of age, adolescents, families and individual adult clients throughout the lifespan development as well as with organizations through EAP programmes and in a consultancy capacity.
Additional training and credentialing in SPED, SpLD and Dyslexia support, Play Therapy and Psychometric and Educational Assessments is utilized in her work with families and clients. She also offers supervision for coaches, training for a range of disciplines and public speaking for a broad variety of topics.
Currently working towards her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (PsyD), she continues with her research and specialization interested in Additions, Family/Parenting and Learning Differences.
Dr. Collin is the Managing Director of Decision Science Agency Pte Ltd and is a thought leader in the industry for digital transformation and analytics.
Collin has been a regular speaker at high profile events including the prestigious Adobe Summit.
With experience ranging from public service to banking, Collin has been consulted by Great Eastern Life, StarHub, Aviva, AIA and various Government ministries and Statutory Boards for their transformation programs.
During his spare time, Dr. Collin is a passionate philanthropist and actively engage himself in charities to contribute to the betterment of society.
Chris Young has over 26 years of investment, entrepreneurial, and board advisory experience.
Chris has successfully started and sold 2 prior start-ups in the fashion industry. He enjoys mentoring young entrepreneurs and being the father of 2 young daughters, Chris is particularly passionate about education and has been involved with several educational entrepreneurs around the world.
Chris holds a Business Administration degree from the University of California, Riverside and a Senior Executive Education Certificate from Stanford University.
Ross Draper is an IT consultant for WellteQ, specializing in IT infrastructure and software development.
He has more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry and worked across various large Media and Tech companies such as Global Radio and F5 Networks Ltd. During his spare time, Ross is a free-lance rock climbing instructor as he enjoys teaching and climbing.
Our Vision
The Lab’s Vision and Guiding Principles will help us achieve our goal in becoming the leading Coding lab in Singapore and internationally, achieving excellence in Computational Thinking in education and promoting consistent values throughout our community so that your child succeed in the future economy.
Our Guiding Principles
Educational Excellence
Our school is committed to delivering exceptional teaching and learning opportunities, fostering the growth of every individual to surpass their own expectations.
Thinking Leadership
We aim to establish ourselves as pioneers in childhood education by leading in Computational Thinking, gaining worldwide recognition for our outstanding quality and rigorous academics.
Global Reputation
Our goal is to attain a prominent global reputation for excellence, positioning our school as a renowned institution in the field of Computational Thinking and education overall.
Our Curriculum
Delivering You The Best In Class Education
MOE introduced Programming as a new O-level subject in 2017. With our curriculum tied to the syllabus, we are the education solution provider for your child’s programming needs.
The Lab curriculum is perfectly crafted by a group of academic professionals. Our curriculum team includes a Computer Science professor from a local university, Computer Science graduates from prestigious universities and tech industry experts to ensure we provide a robust learning experience for you.
Good study skills and work habits are built and reinforced through continuous learning and commitment. The Lab provides a long-term curriculum designed to help students achieve lasting success for their future.
We are the first education lab in Singapore to use predictive data analytics and educational psychology to develop a customized Programming/Coding curriculum for students aged 4 and above.
The Framework
The Lab Curriculum Framework defines its approaches and outcomes and sets the direction, for excellence in teaching and learning. It guides the lab in delivering a quality student-centric, values-driven and holistic education. Through this, students are guided through the process of constructing knowledge, acquiring skills and character required for the future.